Delays on Episode Uploads

Hey everyone, its your friendly neighborhood DJ CRAZY WAYNE! I am here to sadly announce that due to some technical, personal, and maybe supernatural difficulties in my editing and uploading process. Hopefully, I will have this resolved by or before tomorrow evening so the episodes may flow like water into this humble little blog of radio aspirations and steely determination. Well good night, farewell, see you tomorrow, and don't forget COCAINE PLATES.

Spring Shows Artist Graphic

Don't Worry, we haven't forgotten about you--but we also couldn't forget our studies. A new episode explosion will be going up soon, but for now, here's the breakdown of who got played the most on our show this quarter:

Wordle: The Night Shift, Spring 09
Click to see the details!

Episode 11: Dance Biscuits!

So, Crazy Wayne and I had a great plan for last week's show, but had to cancel those plans after he had to be off-campus for a prior engagement. Rather than host alone, I let a couple of our DJ friends (D-Top and Sane Mike) premiere their new show, Dance Biscuits, in our slot. Apparently D-Top flaked out on Sane Mike, but he at least gave a preview of what you can expect. Give it a listen--we'd love to give them a good start the way our friends did for us.

Download the Episode Here!

We're Back!

After a two-week abscence, there IS a new episode this week on Friday from 11-1. Be sure to tune in!
Elegant de BlogMundi